“Early screenings and intervention are important to your Child’s lifelong learning.” Identify and monitor the age appropriate milestones of your child in play, learning, speaking and behavior, from birth though five years.

Hearts & Lives encourages all families with pre-school age children to complete the “Ages and Stages” Questionnaire. We help determine if there is any possible delay and then help your family connect with the needed resources.

Hearts & Lives wants to help parents learn about their children’s development by providing these free screenings that may help them understand about their strengths and needs.

Hearts & Lives is offering free screenings.

  • Children 0-5 years old

  • Advice on possible referrals

  • Get the scores by mail, or in office next day

  • Scores are always confidential

Screen Early. Help Your Child Learn & Grow.

Give us a call, our staff is ready to assist you!

(909) 338-3222